Archives July 5, 2019


Foraging for Wild Tea Flavours

Take a walk in the woods or by the sea at any time of the year and you are bound to stumble upon an abundance of free wild tea flavours that you can add to your next cuppa. There are many to choose from but we have handpicked a few of our top choices when it comes to making a home brew for our Wild Tea Workshops.

Wild Jasmine

There are many varieties of jasmine that bloom throughout the summer months. If you are looking for the most flavour choose the ‘poet’s jasmine’, recognised by its small white flowers.


AKA woodbine produces a sweet scented creamy flower that comes to life in the summer months. It is easily identified and climbs trees to look for light in woodland areas.


This common weed, often considered a nuisance for gardeners but treasured by foragers from near and far, is the perfect herbal tea addition. It contains lots of anti-oxidants and the health benefits coming from the roots are highly sought after today.

Ox Eye Daisies

Usually found in fields at the edges of coastal areas, the Ox eye daisy is full of nutrients.

Raspberry Leaves

Raspberries burst into life in summer and autumn seasons, giving us plenty of fruit to enjoy. However many people disregard the leaves and these young green leaves can make a lovely addition to your wild tea recipes. If they are dried correctly they can taste just like a black cup of tea.


Just when the Elderflowers start to fade we begin to see heads of meadowsweet appearing in the fields and woodlands. Not a pungent as elderflower or honeysuckle but a nice soothing addition to your wild tea recipes.

Gorse Tea

You can’t miss the yellow carpet of Gorse (Aka furze) across the Irish landscape in Autumn time. The flowers are edible and known to taste a little like almonds.

Red Clover Flowers

Another flower that you can’t miss in the summer months is the red clover which is actually purple in colour. These short purple flowers hang around in gangs by coastal areas and are a tasty and healthy addition to tea recipes and salads.

All of these flavours make for tasty wild tea with friends. Some of them also work well together. For example, raspberry leaves and meadowsweet compliment eachother and give honeysuckle and gorse a try if you fancy a delicious cup of summertime tea.

Have you experimented with homemade tea? If so we would love to hear about the plants and flowers you have used. Join our foraging workshops each month to enjoy learning about the landscapes and getting a taste of the wild or book a Wild Tea Workshop with our local Foragers for you and friends.
