Archives October 2019


Natural Skincare: 9 Wild Plants That are Good for Your Skin

At one time or another we all suffer with some skin irritation. Whether its a small rash or periodic eczema or dermatitis, your skin needs taking care of and there are some herbs that can help with your natural skincare routine. Plant based skin care isn’t a new phenonemon. Extracts from wild plants combined with essential oils and beeswax are one of the oldest ways to treat skin irritations.

We are all familiar with the beautiful Aloe plant that grows in tropical climates and soothes inflammation but if you are from Europe then you may find more plants with botanical compounds that are closer to home.

Here are just a few of the many wild herbs that have been found to be good for your overall skin health.


Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, lavender is a superb skin herb. You can use dried flowers to make a lavender oil and apply it gently to cuts and sores to help them heal.

Burdock Root

This is a detox plant. It cleanses the body and if you take it regularly it is said to help with acne and eczema.

Dog Rose Petals

Try a rose water toner to cleanse and hydrate the skin. Rose is a mild astringent and helps to hydrate mature skin. Another useful tip is to use the rosehips that come from this plant. Rosehip oil is commonly found in natural food stores and pharmacies these days but you can try to make your own. It absorbs quickly and is often used in anti-aging products.


If you suffer from spots and acne than thyme is your friend. Take a small amount of Thyme mixed with alcohol and apply it to the affected areas. Let nature do the rest.


Use the root of this common plant as an extra daily moisturiser.


This common weed found along the woodland footpaths is a natural tonic. This one is great for moisturising the skin.


This pretty daisy like flower is a powerful wild herb. It has been used for centuries to treat inflammation and muscle pain. It can help to clear up acne and even out the skin tone.

Basil Balm

Basil is known for its cleansing ability and can be used as your super natural skin cleanser. Like most of our favourite herbs basil has lots of anti-oxidants and is also said to help with dark circles so instead of cucumber why not try out some fresh basil leaves.


This tiny flowering plant is bursting with properties that contain natural skin benefits. It is an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-fungal. It is a popular ingredient in salves as it has a calming, cooling effect on the skin.

If you are interested in recording your herb knowledge and getting creative with the herbs around you feel free to download our Herb Planner Pack.

There are many plant extracts with natural skincare benefits and the above are just a handful to keep a close eye out for. If you any skincare tips please send them to our team at



What’s in Season? Foraging in November

Mushrooms, Chestnuts, Sheep Sorrel and wild herbs are still available when foraging in November for those wild food lovers who don’t mind braving the elements. Winter is an undiscovered and under utilised time of year to spend in the woods. Rosehips, sloes, crab apples and of course mushrooms are still widely available in November.

By now you may have been out discovering all of the Autumn fruits but wild herbs are still plentiful and you can stock up on your winter tea herbs too.

What you could find

Rose Hips

Bright red rose hips reach out from the bushes in the months of October and November. It is like they are telling us to stock up on our Vitamin C for the winter. Make delicious rosehip syrup or rose water to clean those pores.


Sweet chestnuts fall from the trees throughout this month. Be careful to avoid the common conker which can have a similar looking shell to your chestnuts. Sweet chestnuts come in packs of three when you open the nut casing.

Crab Apples

This sweet fruit is often overlooked, maybe its the name that puts people off but making crab apple jelly is a great way to use this fruit. Add some cinnamon to your jelly recipe for an extra kick or why not try a winter chutney for Christmas time. Okay maybe its a little early to start talking about Christmas but with all of these wild goods you will want to show off your wild knowledge around the Christmas dinner table.

Sheep Sorrel

This tiny green plant grows nearly year round and packs a punch when it comes to its sour flavour. It contains oxalic acid which gives it a tangy flavor but it is a great addition to salads and soups. Sheep Sorrel is a great extra leaf to add to any green dish.

Gorse Flowers

This is the flower that just keeps on giving. In Springtime and late Autumn the yellow flowers burst to life and it is hard to walk through a mountainside in Ireland without stumbling upon it. This bright yellowed flower makes a tasty coconut flavored wine. Don’t believe us? Give it a try. This is home brew not to be missed.

Hen of the Woods mushrooms

Often found at the bottom of an oak tree, Hen of the Woods is also known as Maitake mushrooms.Ā  When you find a Hen of the Woods it is likely you will find more around the same tree. Look out for giant oak trees and you could be in luck. Clean them, roast them and enjoy the flavors of the Earth. We want to point out that there are several poisonous species of mushrooms so always try to go hunting for mushrooms with an expert.


The smell of pine trees is just an inviting as any berry during summertime. This plant is rich in vitamins and used to prevent scurvy in the 18th century. It is the perfect addition to your tea recipes in winter time Be careful not to confuse this wild treat with needles from a Yew tree.

Sloe Berries

Everyone has heard of sloe gin but have you ever tasted the berries. They are delicious. November is a great time to forage for your sloes. They make delicious jam, jelly and add an extra spark to any winter cocktail.

Herb Robert

Herb Robert (aka Geranium robertianum) is easy to miss as it is so small along the edges of the woods but once you find it you will keep stumbling upon it. All parts of this tiny herb, the flower, the leaves and the root have been used to cure ailments in the past. Make tea with the leaves, add the pretty pink flowers to your flowers. The herb contains ellagic acid and is a natural source of germanium.

Other wild edibles to keep an eye out for in the month of November include: Oyster mushrooms, Navelwort, winter chanterelles, hawthorn berries, wood sorrel and dandelions.

When and where to go foraging in November

Coastal foraging is popular in the Spring and Summer months but the woodlands is the place to be for the Autumn and winter months. This is where most of the wild plants stay dry in the winter months. Head out for a walk in the local woods. Avoid foraging in local parks as many of the plants may have been sprayed. Never pick something that you cannot identify, especially mushrooms. People are aware that their are poisonous mushrooms out there but often people don’t realise that they can grow next to the edible species and look quite similar. Always go foraging with an expert who knows the local land.

What to Bring Foraging Adventure

  • A pair of scissors, or a good pocket knife for mushroom hunting.
  • A wicker basket or a reusable container.
  • Gloves
  • Sturdy shoes or boots
  • Long sleeves and pants (trousers) to protect from nettles, thorns and poison ivy
  • A small notebook for keeping track of all of your finds.


Get our Free Foraging Tips: A 6 week guide for beginner foragers!

Don’t let the damp days put you off getting out into the wild. There are wild treasures to be found all year round.

Join us for some foraging adventures to learn about the Wild plants around you.


Wild Recipe: Beech Nut Butter

If you love peanut butter on toast than beech nut butter is the recipe just for you! It is the healthy wild food alternative to this delicious snack.


  • Beech Nuts
  • Oil
  • Sugar or Honey

How to make Beech Nut Butter

The trick with all wild food preparation is patience and this is especially true when working with wild food.

  • Gather your nuts. Now is the perfect time to gather your nuts. You will find them scattered on the forest floor, in your local park and woodlands.
  • Shell nuts. This can be tricky as beech nuts have small spikes on them but take your time and enjoy the process.
  • Roast on a low heat for 15 minutes. Be careful not to burn the nuts.
  • Rub off skins. Give the nuts a gentle rub. If you put the nuts into a tea towel and rub them together you will get off a lot of the excess skin.
  • Blitz in blender until the nuts become a paste. This is the fun part where you see the nuts turn into a golden paste.
  • Add small quantity of oil. Be careful not to add too much oil as it won’t keep that buttery texture.
  • Add sugar or honey & a pinch of salt
  • Add whole nuts for a few seconds at the end if you like it crunchy
  • Spoon into jars & store in refrigerator

If you don’t have the time but would love to try some delicious beech nut butter please get in touch with us or you can join one of our foraging adventures to collect your own


Wild Tea Party: Wild Herbal Tea and Recipes

If you are interested in building a long-lasting healthy habit then herbal teas with natural anti-oxidants and health benefits may be just for you. Both hot and cold teas are a refreshing way to relax in the evenings.

Now that the summer is over and we have spent time experimenting with our favourite wild flavours we are ready to share our collection of Wild Herbal Tea recipes with the world.


Foragers and herb enthusiasts from around the world will have different ways of using their dried herbs and we are no different. From combining wild herbs with traditional herbs and spices we have come up with our top choices when it comes to foraging for wild teas. You can get a copy of our full Wild Herbal Tea recipe collection including our favourite iced teas and detox juices here.

Here are some easy wild tasty tea recipes to try out at home:

Dandelion Tea


  • 1 Cup of freshly picked Dandelion Heads
  • 1 Tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 Teaspoon of Honey

Add all ingredients to water, gently simmer for 15 minutes and bring to a boil!


Yarrow Tea

  • 1 Cup of Dried Yarrow Flowers
  • 1/2 Cup of Dried Raspberry or Blackberry Leaves

As one of our favourite herbs we stock up regularly so if you are looking for Yarrow head over to our Be Wild Store. Add all ingredients to water, gently simmer for 15 minutes and bring to a boil!


Clover Tea

  • 1 Cup of Dried Clover Flowers
  • 1/2 Lemon juice
  • 1 Teaspoon of Honey

Add all ingredients to water, gently simmer for 15 minutes and bring to a boil!

Infused Pine Needle Teawild-herbal-tea-recipe-collection-orchards-near-me-cover

  • 1 Cup of chopped up Pine Needles
  • 1 squeeze of lemon juice

Add all ingredients to water and gently bring to a boil! For extra flavour you can leave the pine needles in the water overnight and bring to the boil when you are ready the next morning.

For our full collection of recipes visit the Be Wild store and for more information about foraging for wild foods please get in touch with us anytime.



How to do a Spore Print of a mushroom?

As it is peak mushroom season we are busy trying to identify all of those awkward mushrooms that have dangerous look-a-like cousins. For example the common Parasol mushroom seems to be popping up in fields around us but did you know it has a wicked cousin called the green spored lepiota? Spore prints are a fun and easy way to get to know a mushroom. Spore prints are mostly used for mushroom identification and cultivation.

With gilled mushroom the print process is easy so here is how you conduct a basic spore print for a gilled mushroom:

  • Cut off the stem of a fresh mushroom
  • Lay it down on a piece of paper (white paper for dark gills/black for light gills)
  • Cover the mushroom with a glass to trap the air
  • Leave it for a few hours and when you come back you will have your very own spore print (many look like pieces of art).

Why do you want to do spore prints?

Spore prints are often the easiest way to see the exact pattern of the gills in a mushroom. Also, the colour of the spore can indicate the edibility of a mushroom type.

More Mushroom Resources

Now that you know how to do a spore print all you need to do if find some shrooms and give it a try. If you would like to learn more join us for a foraging workshop where we go out to see the mushrooms in their natural habitats.



Foraging: Collecting, Processing and Eating Wild Nuts

We are all a little nutty for nuts at this time of the year and we have been getting questions about what nuts to eat and how to eat them. Some nut types have gained a bad reputation for their high levels of tannins which can be harmful to your gut if you eat them in large numbers i.e. Acorns. However as long as you prepare your nuts in the right way then you can look forward to some tasty treats for Autumn.

Wild Nuts We Love

Beech Nuts

The forest flour can be covered with these small triangular nuts at this time of the year. They contain 20% protein, making them an excellent food source for vegans.


You may need a stick to get these delicious treats from the tree and a sturdy pair of shoes to stamp on the outer layer before removing the shelled walnuts inside. You will need to dry them out fully for a few weeks before removing the shells. Walnuts are delicious in lots of baking recipes.


Acorn flour is now a trendy as it is gluten free and makes a popular replacement for bread as is holds some sweetness. Foragers tip: Remember, the large the cap on the outside, the more tannin on the inside.


When foraging for Hazelnuts you can collect the green nuts that have fallen from the trees but you need to leave them to ripen in a warm, dry place. Hazelnuts are a tasty snack that can be chopped up and added to salads or mixed in with butter for some extra delicious toast. Squirrels love hazelnuts so be sure to leave some for the animals.

How to Leach Nuts

First take the shells off the nuts and grind them down a little. A blender or hand grinder will work for this. Next put your nut mix in a jar, don’t fill the jar up to the top, maybe 3/4 full and then top up the jar with cold water. Put the lid on the jar and place it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

You will see that the water has turned to an orange colour. Drain this water from the jar and add new water. Now its back to the fridge for another 24 hours. Taste the nut mix after 48 hours and repeat this process until the bitterness of the mix has disappeared.

water. Now its back to the fridge for another 24 hours. Taste the nut mix after 48 hours and repeat this process until the bitterness of the mix has disappeared.

After you have leached the nuts you can dry them out using a dehydrator or oven bake them on a low heat.

Remember that nuts are high in good fats and shouldn’t be stored at room temperature. To keep your nuts for longer try freezing them.

A Nutty Recipe for A Cosy Weekend

Here is a lovely recipe for Acorn Falafels from the HungerandthirstforLife Blog

Join us for one of our foraging adventures to learn more about wild nuts and how to use them in your recipes at home.



10 Clever Ways to Teach Kids to Love Nature

We have had toddlers and teenagers out on the trails foraging with us and they really enjoy getting to know their natural surroundings. Do you feel that it is time to teach kids to love nature? Here are a few simple tips to help them to stay curious about nature and all of its wonders.

  1. Discover Conkers

I grew up playing Conkers. Kids always love an element of competition and conkers is such a fun game to try out at home. This is a simple way to teach your kids about horse chestnuts and trees. To play this two person game all you need are two pieces of string or two shoe laces and conkers. Make a hole through the conker, tie the conker to the end of the string. The aim of the game is to break the other persons conker. Tip: Pick the best conker! Drop the conker in a glass of water, if it floats it will break easily.

2. Paint Leaves

This one is for the kids and adults. Pick your favourite leaves, bring them home, make sure that they are dry. Now cover them in your favourite coloured paint, stick them onto a white sheet of paper. Get creative with your patterns and make a piece of art to hang on the kids bedroom wall. What better way to get back to nature then showing how nature can be used to make indoor spaces shine.

3. Climb Trees

This seems like an ancient past-time these days but climbing trees and hanging about in the woodlands can be lots of fun.

4. Go Foraging

An obvious one for us foragers but we highly recommend foraging with children and teaching them about the wild plants around them. They have curious minds and will ask lots of questions. Believe us, we know! To learn more about foraging join one of our tours or book a private tour with us for your family here.

5. Go Camping

A summertime favourite, this isn’t always the easiest trip for a family to organise but there are many dedicated camping sites that facilitate families today.

6. Make shapes from the stars

One of my favourite hobbies as a child was to see what animals could be found in the sky. I even once found a rabbit. Learning about the sun, the stars and the planets is a fun way to awaken the mind.

7. Plant something in the Garden

If they are not growing greens at school then home is a great place to start. Just explain to them that GIY is super trendy right now so they can tell all of their friends about their home grown goods. To start off with plant something easy. Lettuce, herbs and green beans are pretty easy for GIY beginners.

8. Start a Nature Table

This is an easy and aesthetically pleasing way to bring nature indoors. Simply start to collect bits and bobs when you are out on your next hike. You don’t need lots but in the end you will have your very own natural history museum.

9. Take a hike and Bring a picnic

Pick a local hiking trail and put a date in the calendar. Getting ready for a picnic can be as much fun as eating the treats. Prepare for your hike together, go to your local store to buy the ingredients, make a flask of tea, sandwiches and any other goodies you would like to bring along. Make sure to give the kids their own bag for the journey.

10. Get Muddy

Nature isn’t about perfection, it is all about basking in the imperfections. Wear old clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty and allow your kids to feel the earth, jump in the mud, climb the trees and splash in the streams.

These are just a few ways to teach kids to love nature but there are endless reasons why we think climbing trees and getting muddy should be on your kids to do list.

If you would like to arrange a family foraging tourĀ please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.




Wild Food Recipe: Super Healthy Wild Weed Salad

It’s getting dark out there and winter is slowly peeping its head around the corner. This is the perfect time to stock up your vitamins and make the most of the weekend sunshine. If you want a little inspiration for your next salad dish than look no further than your nearest woodlands to get your ingredients for this wild weed salad.

We tend to ramble about blackberries a lot at this time of year but these vitamin packed treats are falling straight from the bushes right now so grab a basket and get outdoors! Fun fact: the study of blackberries is called Batology so I guess this makes some of us foraging enthusiasts Batologists.

Here is our super simple wild weed salad recipe that you can try at home.


  • Orach Leaves
  • Ox Eye Daisies
  • Wild Blackberries
  • Mallow leaves
  • Plaintain
  • Olive Oil
  • Lemon Juice
  • Salt and Pepper


Be sure to wash all of your ingredients thoroughly. Carefully cut the orach leaves from any stems. Put the orach leaves, mallow leaves and plaintain in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and a squeeze of lemon juice. Throw in the daisy heads. Put the blackberries in a separate bowl and sprinkle with a tablespoon of sugar and add a squeeze of lemon juice. Now put the berries into the salad bowl. Add salt and pepper. I like to garnish salads with some colourful wild edible flowers and gorse is just in springing to life so grab a small handful. Note: Don’t eat gorse in large quantities as it contains toxic alkaloids which can be hard on the stomach.

Voila! Now you have a very healthy wild weed salad for lunch or as a side at your next dinner party.

If you want to pair a wine with your next blackberry dish then we hear from good sources that the red grapes from Bordeaux in France are worth a shot.

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