Yarrow Poster

Yarrow Poster


Wildflower Yarrow, aka Achillea millefolium, is found is found throughout Europe and wild food enthusiasts will be very familiar with these furry leaved plants.


Wildflower Yarrow, aka Achillea millefolium, is found is found throughout Europe and wild food enthusiasts will be very familiar with these furry leaved plants.

What is Yarrow used for?

Fragrant Yarrow Tea is said to help with sinus problems and relieve congestion. It is also used to reduce fever and help with indigestion. It is also known as Old mans spice and can be ground up and used as a wild pepper. It goes well in stews and soups. You don’t need much of this wild gem to add some flavour to bland dishes.

Interestingly, 50 yarrow sticks were often used in the practice of IChing, the worlds oldest oracle  and an ancient chinese practice for telling the future. It is said to help answer questions about your future and provide an ethical guide for life.

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