We all need to play our part in the fight to reduce plastic and the struggle to keep our natural environments plastic free. To help the planet out many people are taking steps towards a zero waste lifestyle and becoming more sustainable. There are many ways that we can reduce our weekly plastic consumption and here are just 3 simple things to start with:
Create a Natural Homemade Exfoliator
A lot of the plastics we find in our oceans today are coming from microplastics that can be found is face washes. Why not create your own. It’s fun, super easy and should be just as good as those scrubs you find in stores. Here is a quick natural exfoliator that will leave you with a fresh glow: Mix sugar, blueberries, honey, coconut oil and a pinch of vanilla.
Homemade Toothpaste
Two to Three spoons of baking soda and crushed peppermint or a few drops of peppermint oil, a spoonful of coconut oil; this is all you need to create your very own toothpaste if you want to cut down on those bulky toothpaste tubes. Both Potassium nitrate and Triclosan are found in the toothpastes we pick up in the grocery isles of most supermarkets today. One is a pesticide and teh other is harmful to animals. Yet, we are spitting it into our water system morning, noon and night. If you prefer to buy your toothpaste then try to opt for a flouride free brand.
Stop Buying Bottled Water
Unless your local water supply is contaminated than reducing the amount of bottled water you buy is one of the easiest ways to reduce your plastic consumption at home.
If you have some tips to reduce plastic waste we are always looking for new ideas on how we can help the natural environment.