Archives November 8, 2019


Healthy Herbal Roots: 3 Roots to Harvest in Autumn

Here is why Autumn and Winter are the perfect seasons for getting back to your roots. Firstly, the cold will convert some of the sour starches to sugar, making the roots a little sweeter. Secondly, they are easier to pull out of the ground as they have stopped growing. Thirdly, it is a great time for foraging and working with roots as some take time to harvest.

Autumn isn’t just mushroom heaven, it is also the perfect time to get to grips with your healthy roots. Here are three of our favourite roots to harvest in Autumn:

Yellow Dock Root

This invasive plant is great for Autumn. You don’t have to be concerned about picking yellow dock because it is an invasive species. Hence, why foragers love it. Yellow dock is your friend if you are lacking iron. It helps us to get our necessary dosages of iron. It is actually more efficient at producing iron in our system. If you suffer from constipation and other cramps Yellow dock will help you through the day.

Wash the roots gently under water. Your immune system should be used of the scraps of dirt that are left over and if they are not than you may need some more wild herbs in your diet.

Just like tumeric, this root will stain your hands yellow. Best to use gloves when you are working with yellow dock and all roots. Pull off the hairy substance around the root.

To make a basic tincture chop up the roots and pour a high alcohol vodka over the top. The tincture should turn bright yellow. Leave the mixture to extract all of the properties over a period of approximately 3 weeks and you are good to go. One Yellow dock tincture coming up!

Dandelion Root

If you have read any of our previous material you will know that we love all things Dandelion. From the leaf to the root, each part of the Dandelion is nutritious and edible. Containing vitamins A, C and K these humble flowers are more than just a garden weed. As foragers we feel that it is part of our mission to disclose all of the nutritious benefits of these underestimated plants.

The roots specifically contain anti-oxidents that can help to fight bacteria and help to fight inflammation. It’s safe to say that we love Dandelions.

Here is a simple recipe for Dandelion tea: 3 teaspoons of dried dandelion roots, 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 cinnamon stick and 2 cups of boiling water.

Burdock Root

This is a firm favourite for herbalists and foragers who like to work with their natural environments. There hasn’t been much scientific research done on this wild plant but it is said to lower blood sugar levels and has been used in traditional chinese medicine for centuries.

Burdock root should not be consumed raw. You can roast it or slice it up and use it alongside your carrots in a healthy stir-fry.

If you are in need of some natural roots feel free to get in touch with us, we stay pretty close to the roots and have being drying for some time. If you want to learn more about wild plants you can team up with us for a foraging adventure in Europe.
