Archives April 16, 2019


Why you should travel with a purpose

Think of the last time you had an amazing travel experience? Most people remember the people, the place and the food. If you travel with a purpose you will create life long memories for your travel diary. Travelling with a purpose makes us appreciate the little things while also contributing to worldwide causes and industries.

Orchardsnearme partners with responsible travel experiences that will take you back to nature. The activities connect you with the stunning landscapes of Europe and allow you to get a taste of the local culture and foods.

Learn as you go

Are you curious about the land around you? Learning whilst you travel is the most uplifting experience. From the history of coffee plantations to the sun soaked vineyards in Italy, we can all benefit from meeting the local producers and getting some inside knowledge of the natural landscapes around us.

Go to grow

If you are feeling a little overwhelmed at work and underwhelmed with mass media then this form of travel is a great way to clear your mind. Start each day with a mission to grow. In every activity you enjoy your mind will be absorbed in hands-on experiences.

Lifelong learning

In college and University we associate lifelong learning with older adults. Perhaps lifelong learning isn’t just for people who have the time in later life, it is about drinking in the facts, listening to the tales and basking in the knowledge of others.

Meet the Experts

Discover the art of wine making and producing delicious fruits of Europe with the experts. When you travel with a purpose you have the opportunity to get to know the people at the heart of a region. Farmers who take care of the land, vineyard owners who proudly showcase their wines and food lovers from around the world.

How you travel and where you travel too is a reflection of your values, your feelings and your personality. Travelling with a purpose can connect you to your inner voice and child like self that has always wanted to learn something new.

6 Ways to Travel with a Purpose

Grape Picking at Harvest time

Olive picking in Greece

Truffle Hunting in Italy

Star gazing in Portugal

Foraging in Ireland

Investigate Medieval history in Spain

Perhaps the next time you travel with a purpose you will find out something new about yourself, learn a new skill or discover a unique aspect of a different culture that you want to take home with you. Whatever your reason go to grow and you will meet like minded curious travelers along the way.
