

The Top 10 Must Have Herbs

If it was up to us herbs we would live in herb paradise all year round. We love all herbs, great and small. The flavours, the smells and the nutrients that we get from herbs make them an irreplaceable part of our diet today. Herbs can transform the everyday meal into a special treat. The great thing about our renewed love for all things green is that our minds are curious and we are starting to really experiment with herb flavours.

List of the top 10 must have herbs for your kitchen

  1. Basil
  2. Thyme
  3. Mint
  4. Coriander
  5. Lavender
  6. Chamomile
  7. Sage
  8. Yarrow
  9. Rosemary
  10. Dill


Here is why this list of herbs is extra special. Firstly, herbs pack a punch when it comes to flavouring our meals. They can help to cool things down, heat things up and balance our ingredients. Next, our list of herbs includes some native wild species that can be found close to home and we know that herbs also contain many essential vitamins and nutrients. We hope that you enjoy this herbtastic collection.

If you are in search for organic Irish herbs feel free to get in touch with us and we will connect you with the best herbal magic.



Healthy Herbal Roots: 3 Roots to Harvest in Autumn

Here is why Autumn and Winter are the perfect seasons for getting back to your roots. Firstly, the cold will convert some of the sour starches to sugar, making the roots a little sweeter. Secondly, they are easier to pull out of the ground as they have stopped growing. Thirdly, it is a great time for foraging and working with roots as some take time to harvest.

Autumn isn’t just mushroom heaven, it is also the perfect time to get to grips with your healthy roots. Here are three of our favourite roots to harvest in Autumn:

Yellow Dock Root

This invasive plant is great for Autumn. You don’t have to be concerned about picking yellow dock because it is an invasive species. Hence, why foragers love it. Yellow dock is your friend if you are lacking iron. It helps us to get our necessary dosages of iron. It is actually more efficient at producing iron in our system. If you suffer from constipation and other cramps Yellow dock will help you through the day.

Wash the roots gently under water. Your immune system should be used of the scraps of dirt that are left over and if they are not than you may need some more wild herbs in your diet.

Just like tumeric, this root will stain your hands yellow. Best to use gloves when you are working with yellow dock and all roots. Pull off the hairy substance around the root.

To make a basic tincture chop up the roots and pour a high alcohol vodka over the top. The tincture should turn bright yellow. Leave the mixture to extract all of the properties over a period of approximately 3 weeks and you are good to go. One Yellow dock tincture coming up!

Dandelion Root

If you have read any of our previous material you will know that we love all things Dandelion. From the leaf to the root, each part of the Dandelion is nutritious and edible. Containing vitamins A, C and K these humble flowers are more than just a garden weed. As foragers we feel that it is part of our mission to disclose all of the nutritious benefits of these underestimated plants.

The roots specifically contain anti-oxidents that can help to fight bacteria and help to fight inflammation. It’s safe to say that we love Dandelions.

Here is a simple recipe for Dandelion tea: 3 teaspoons of dried dandelion roots, 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 cinnamon stick and 2 cups of boiling water.

Burdock Root

This is a firm favourite for herbalists and foragers who like to work with their natural environments. There hasn’t been much scientific research done on this wild plant but it is said to lower blood sugar levels and has been used in traditional chinese medicine for centuries.

Burdock root should not be consumed raw. You can roast it or slice it up and use it alongside your carrots in a healthy stir-fry.

If you are in need of some natural roots feel free to get in touch with us, we stay pretty close to the roots and have being drying for some time. If you want to learn more about wild plants you can team up with us for a foraging adventure in Europe.



Natural Skincare: 9 Wild Plants That are Good for Your Skin

At one time or another we all suffer with some skin irritation. Whether its a small rash or periodic eczema or dermatitis, your skin needs taking care of and there are some herbs that can help with your natural skincare routine. Plant based skin care isn’t a new phenonemon. Extracts from wild plants combined with essential oils and beeswax are one of the oldest ways to treat skin irritations.

We are all familiar with the beautiful Aloe plant that grows in tropical climates and soothes inflammation but if you are from Europe then you may find more plants with botanical compounds that are closer to home.

Here are just a few of the many wild herbs that have been found to be good for your overall skin health.


Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, lavender is a superb skin herb. You can use dried flowers to make a lavender oil and apply it gently to cuts and sores to help them heal.

Burdock Root

This is a detox plant. It cleanses the body and if you take it regularly it is said to help with acne and eczema.

Dog Rose Petals

Try a rose water toner to cleanse and hydrate the skin. Rose is a mild astringent and helps to hydrate mature skin. Another useful tip is to use the rosehips that come from this plant. Rosehip oil is commonly found in natural food stores and pharmacies these days but you can try to make your own. It absorbs quickly and is often used in anti-aging products.


If you suffer from spots and acne than thyme is your friend. Take a small amount of Thyme mixed with alcohol and apply it to the affected areas. Let nature do the rest.


Use the root of this common plant as an extra daily moisturiser.


This common weed found along the woodland footpaths is a natural tonic. This one is great for moisturising the skin.


This pretty daisy like flower is a powerful wild herb. It has been used for centuries to treat inflammation and muscle pain. It can help to clear up acne and even out the skin tone.

Basil Balm

Basil is known for its cleansing ability and can be used as your super natural skin cleanser. Like most of our favourite herbs basil has lots of anti-oxidants and is also said to help with dark circles so instead of cucumber why not try out some fresh basil leaves.


This tiny flowering plant is bursting with properties that contain natural skin benefits. It is an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-fungal. It is a popular ingredient in salves as it has a calming, cooling effect on the skin.

If you are interested in recording your herb knowledge and getting creative with the herbs around you feel free to download our Herb Planner Pack.

There are many plant extracts with natural skincare benefits and the above are just a handful to keep a close eye out for. If you any skincare tips please send them to our team at



What’s in Season? Foraging in November

Mushrooms, Chestnuts, Sheep Sorrel and wild herbs are still available when foraging in November for those wild food lovers who don’t mind braving the elements. Winter is an undiscovered and under utilised time of year to spend in the woods. Rosehips, sloes, crab apples and of course mushrooms are still widely available in November.

By now you may have been out discovering all of the Autumn fruits but wild herbs are still plentiful and you can stock up on your winter tea herbs too.

What you could find

Rose Hips

Bright red rose hips reach out from the bushes in the months of October and November. It is like they are telling us to stock up on our Vitamin C for the winter. Make delicious rosehip syrup or rose water to clean those pores.


Sweet chestnuts fall from the trees throughout this month. Be careful to avoid the common conker which can have a similar looking shell to your chestnuts. Sweet chestnuts come in packs of three when you open the nut casing.

Crab Apples

This sweet fruit is often overlooked, maybe its the name that puts people off but making crab apple jelly is a great way to use this fruit. Add some cinnamon to your jelly recipe for an extra kick or why not try a winter chutney for Christmas time. Okay maybe its a little early to start talking about Christmas but with all of these wild goods you will want to show off your wild knowledge around the Christmas dinner table.

Sheep Sorrel

This tiny green plant grows nearly year round and packs a punch when it comes to its sour flavour. It contains oxalic acid which gives it a tangy flavor but it is a great addition to salads and soups. Sheep Sorrel is a great extra leaf to add to any green dish.

Gorse Flowers

This is the flower that just keeps on giving. In Springtime and late Autumn the yellow flowers burst to life and it is hard to walk through a mountainside in Ireland without stumbling upon it. This bright yellowed flower makes a tasty coconut flavored wine. Don’t believe us? Give it a try. This is home brew not to be missed.

Hen of the Woods mushrooms

Often found at the bottom of an oak tree, Hen of the Woods is also known as Maitake mushrooms.  When you find a Hen of the Woods it is likely you will find more around the same tree. Look out for giant oak trees and you could be in luck. Clean them, roast them and enjoy the flavors of the Earth. We want to point out that there are several poisonous species of mushrooms so always try to go hunting for mushrooms with an expert.


The smell of pine trees is just an inviting as any berry during summertime. This plant is rich in vitamins and used to prevent scurvy in the 18th century. It is the perfect addition to your tea recipes in winter time Be careful not to confuse this wild treat with needles from a Yew tree.

Sloe Berries

Everyone has heard of sloe gin but have you ever tasted the berries. They are delicious. November is a great time to forage for your sloes. They make delicious jam, jelly and add an extra spark to any winter cocktail.

Herb Robert

Herb Robert (aka Geranium robertianum) is easy to miss as it is so small along the edges of the woods but once you find it you will keep stumbling upon it. All parts of this tiny herb, the flower, the leaves and the root have been used to cure ailments in the past. Make tea with the leaves, add the pretty pink flowers to your flowers. The herb contains ellagic acid and is a natural source of germanium.

Other wild edibles to keep an eye out for in the month of November include: Oyster mushrooms, Navelwort, winter chanterelles, hawthorn berries, wood sorrel and dandelions.

When and where to go foraging in November

Coastal foraging is popular in the Spring and Summer months but the woodlands is the place to be for the Autumn and winter months. This is where most of the wild plants stay dry in the winter months. Head out for a walk in the local woods. Avoid foraging in local parks as many of the plants may have been sprayed. Never pick something that you cannot identify, especially mushrooms. People are aware that their are poisonous mushrooms out there but often people don’t realise that they can grow next to the edible species and look quite similar. Always go foraging with an expert who knows the local land.

What to Bring Foraging Adventure

  • A pair of scissors, or a good pocket knife for mushroom hunting.
  • A wicker basket or a reusable container.
  • Gloves
  • Sturdy shoes or boots
  • Long sleeves and pants (trousers) to protect from nettles, thorns and poison ivy
  • A small notebook for keeping track of all of your finds.


Get our Free Foraging Tips: A 6 week guide for beginner foragers!

Don’t let the damp days put you off getting out into the wild. There are wild treasures to be found all year round.

Join us for some foraging adventures to learn about the Wild plants around you.


Yarrow Benefits and How to make Yarrow Tea?


White flower headed Yarrow, aka Achillea millefolium, is said to derive from the Greek hero Achilles, who had an affinity to Yarrow, after being shown its many uses by Chiron the Centaur, and used this herb to heal soldiers during the Trojan war.

This sweet scented health has a rich healing history from around the world. Renowned for its ability to heal and repair, its feathery leaves have been used since ancient times to heal cuts, wounds and burns.

It grows abundantly beside roadsides and paths. Foraging for yarrow is fun in summertime but be careful for lookalikes.

Traditional Uses and Health Benefits

There is a good reason why this herb is known as a healing herb.

Yarrow has many funny nicknames including Nosebleed. If you have a nosebleed, you can stuff the leaves up your nose to stop the blood flow. Antiseptic and anti- inflammatory, it has the ability to rapidly stop the blood flow.

Yarrow is commonly used to help with issues like diarrhea and stomach issues. It is also used to help clear coughs, asthma, colds and liver disorders.

In manufacturing, yarrow is used as a cosmetic cleanser and in shampoos. The leaves and flowers are sometimes used in salads.


Three ways to use yarrow

  1. Yarrow Tincture: You can make this traditional tincture by plucking off the flower heads, putting them into a glass container and covering them with alcohol for 6 weeks. Traditional dosage: 2 ml taken 2 times per day.
  2. Yarrow Herb Tea: Use 1-2 teaspoons per cup of boiling water and steep for 5 -10 minutes depending on taste.
  3. Yarrow Salad: The fern like leaves from this hero herb are sometimes used in salads.

How to make Delicious Yarrow Tea

For yarrow tea, simply put a 1-2 teaspoons of dried yarrow flowers in a tea pot, let it sit for 20 minutes, strain into a cup and enjoy a healthy tea.

If you want to treat yourself to a box of freshly dried yarrow you can get it in our Wild Store today.


3 Unforgettable Wine Tasting Holidays in Europe

Fancy learning a little bit more about the wines of Europe? If you are a wine drinker, a fruit lover or culture hound then these are some of our most loved wine tasting holidays that will delight your senses.

Be enchanted by the Douro Valley

As one of our favourite regions for cool, crisp white wines, a guided experience in the Douro Valley is perfect for fruit lovers everywhere. What can’t we say about this grape rich region. If you are searching for a Tuscany alternative then this provides a superb back-drop for a romantic escape. Everywhere you look you will be surrounded by nature. As one of the oldest demarcated wine regions in the world, the UNESCO listed site is a bucket-list trip trip for wine lovers.


Get a Taste of the Costa Brava


This is our not so hidden gem. A tour that will delight the senses and awaken the spirit in the beautiful Catalonia countryside. Soak up the sunshine and breathtaking views of the Do Emporda wine region. The area begins next to the stunning peaks of the Pyrenees and runs down through the landscapes of Catalonia.

Wine from this region is usually 30 years old. Red wines are generally make from Garnacha Tino and Samso. The traditional grape of Tempranillo and more popular Syrah and Mermot can also be found. Each bodega you visit in DO Empordà is a treat. We highly recommend spending a night or two in beautiful city of Girona when you are in the region.


Discover a Taste of Sintra


If you want to sample the luxurious landscapes of Portugal then Sintra is the place to be. This UNESCO world heritage site is covered with pine trees, grapes and ancient ruins. A stop at the Palacio Nacional da Pena is just one of the highlights on this wine experience. The soils are unique to this part of the world and the wines of this region are often described as herbal, perfect for all of us herb enthusiasts.


To book one of the above delicious wine tasting holidays feel free to reach out to one of our travel team anytime.




Feeling a little down? 7 Ways Nature can Improve your Mood

We truly believe that getting back to nature and spending time outdoors is food for the soul. This is where our motto “GO TO GROW” comes from. We consider it part of our job to bring you a little closer to nature.

It is so easy to become wrapped up in the negative news that we find ourselves surrounded with today. The media constantly promotes the most glum stories from around the world, forcing us to latch on to doom and gloom in our everyday lives.

By removing ourselves from the chaotic push notifications and online opinion race we can give ourselves a chance to breathe in some fresh air and reflect on the positive things that make us a little happier.


Here are 7 ways nature can help to improve your mood:

1. Restore Balance

Positive engagement with natural landscapes will make you sit back and see that imperfections can be wonderful when we embrace them. “In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful” Alice Walker has said it all with this quotation.

2. Reduce Feelings of Anxiety

We all get stressed sometimes. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Instead re-align your attention. Focusing on wild plants, the movements of small creatures and listening to fresh water running through a forest allows your mind to cool down and touch base with reality.

3. Absorb Natural Light

It is well documented that exposure to natural light is beneficial for your overall health. Sunlight releases Serotonin, a hormone that is associated with positive energy and clear thinking. The lack of sun is why some suffer with the winter blues.


4. An Easy Path to Exercise

If you are like me and tend to avoid the gym then getting out into the woods is a real way to get some exercise. Whether you want a leisurely stroll in the woods or to increase your steps per day, being outdoors is the way to go. Better yet you can try an activity like fruit picking, hiking or foraging to get your heart pumping a little more.

5. Connect with the Natural World

These days it is easy to lose sight of the changes happening in the wilderness but when you go for a hike, cycle or spend anytime in the natural landscapes you can see the seasons change and admire the trees as they work their magic.

6. Improve problem solving

If you are suffering with a creative block than you may need to head for the hills. Spending time in the same position, same chair, same office, same environment isn’t going to help solve the problem arising in that very position. Remove yourself from a situation to look at it with another perspective. A walk in the woods can help to clear your mind and may lead to more creative thinking about a current problem that you are facing.


7. Focus on one thing at a time

This is connected with mindful living and has become popular now that we are aware of our constant battle with the past and future. Why did that happen to me? What is in store for me in the future? Do these questions look familiar to you. We all ask them but what if we turned off for a short time and focused only on the present. We find that it is much easier to allow yourself to turn off when you are walking in a natural environment.

Don’t take our word for it, a researcher from a University in Canada has clinically proven the connection between our natural surroundings and personal well being.

Join us for a food or foraging adventure outdoors to learn more about our deep rooted connection with the land and get a taste of the wild goodness around you.



Reconnecting with our food for Sustainable Living

With all of this talk of Climate change it is easy for media outlets and studies to play the blame game. However as we are all to blame isn’t it better if we begin to tackle the issues resulting in all of environmental destruction we see around us together.

We can’t go back in time to change our farming processes, our over reliance on the meat industry, our greed for fossil fuels and our refusal to see the signs from natural disasters around us but we can work towards a new value system.

I hate that sustainable living has become a buzz word today. We are all capable of getting back to nature and that is called living. Taking a walk in the woodlands, breathing in the fresh air, getting to know the plants around us and how our ancestors used those plants to feed themselves in the past is a sustainable way forward. If we reach into our childhood curiosity we can find creative solutions and abandon our over reliance on convenient produce that is contributing to the damages that we see in the environment today.

Foraging is one way that we can reconnect with the land. Taking all of it’s principles and building a brighter future.

A special UN and IPCC report on the impact of land management practices on our ever changing climate is significant. Food production, consumption and waste are three key areas that we must tackle to prevent further degradation of our landscapes. A collective approach is always best and we can by simply learning about the foods we eat and valuing where that food comes from. Here are five food choices that will help us to step away from materialism and towards sustainable living.

  1. Admire and Value Nature

It is easy to forget to stop and smell the roses. Many of us spend our days rushing from here to there or cramming into a train to get from A to B.

2. Enjoy your local farmers market

Visiting a local farmers market is always a treat. Not only does a market offer fresh produce and seasonal foods, it is a place that values community. Hang around, have a coffee, talk to the vendors and get some tips.

3. Love Fruit

Fruit is easy to ignore when you reach the supermarket because it is usually positionned right beside rows of carb deliciousness and shelves of nuts that call for our attention but never underestimate the juiciness of a Spanish orange. Organic fruit or freshly picked fruit is packed full of flavor and goodness.

4. Know where your food is coming from

Taking time to learn about where our food comes from may be the biggest way that we can contribute to the environment today. Picking is hard work. It is physically demanding and the hours are long if you plan on taking it up full time for the harvest season. Fruit picking is also one of the most rewarding ways to spend an afternoon and to witness and understand the intensive labor it takes to get your fruits to the market stalls.

5. Go Foraging with Friends

Last but certainly not least forage with friends. Joining a local or international foraging tour will open your eyes, give you plenty of food for thought and give you a taste of the last around you.

This is not an exhaustive list but rather some easy tips to start thinking about your daily food habits in a mindful way. We hope this gives you some food for thought and look forward to living closer with nature in a sustainable world.



6 Wild Edible Plants found by the Sea

When people think of Coastal Foraging they often only consider the varieties of seaweeds and shellfish on offer but believe us, the wild edible plants growing by the seaside will give you plenty of food for thought. Conditions by the coast can make it difficult for some commonly found plants to survive. Strong winds and high tides are no match for these sturdy plants.

Here are just a few of our favourite wild edible plants to forage for by the sea:

Sea Beet

First and foremost is the dark green wild plant of Sea beet. This healthy green will greet you alongside sandy and rocky beaches across Europe. Like spinach the leaves can be added to stir-fry’s, used as a bed for your fish dishes and are a delicious vitamin full addition to your breakfast smoothies.


Ox Eye Daisies

You can’t miss this friendly edible plant. In the past Ox Eye Daisies were used to treat coughs, asthma, ulcers and to clear sinus problems. It is a diuretic and a tonic. The flowers can be pickled or covered in batter and the young leaves can be used in a summer salad.


Sea Radish

Looking for a homegrown supply of tasty greens to add to salads and dishes than sea radish is a great alternative source of greens that can be foraged all year round. This yellow headed grows in coastal areas and shines brightly in the summer months. The leaves work well in pesto recipes and the small pods are a great addition to summer salads.



Be careful not to confuse yarrow for other poisonous plants such as hemlock. Both have white heads for flowers but there are two distinguishing features of Yarrow to look out for. First the glimpses of yellow in the flower heads and next the unmistakable fern-like leaves. They usually grow in groups and pop up in wasteland, countryside trails and along coastal pathways.

Sea Rocket

This coastal friend is a member of the mustard family. With great amounts of Potassium, calcium and Vitamin B this plant can provide a welcome boost to the immune system and all parts of the sea rocket plant are edible. This wild plant holds water and its hard, fleshy leaves make it easier to withstand any harsh coastal climate. Herbalists love to speak about the health benefits of this common wild plant.

We hope that you enjoy discovering these wild edible plants and find others to add to your favourite dishes. The great thing about foraging is that the land changes with the seasons are there are different plant varieties to be discovered throughout the year.

To start recording your foraging adventures feel free to download our Foragers Planner Pack and we have a special Herb Planner Pack for herb lovers out there.

To join us on on our food and foraging adventures please contact a member of the team.



Blackberry Season: Blackberry and Basil Salad Recipe

As foragers we love to discover rare plants and wild edibles all year round but the months of August and September are extra special. These are prime harvest months in Europe. Vines are weighed down with grapes and bushes are filled to the brim with ripe berries ready to be picked.

To celebrate one of our favourite times of the year when all of the blackberries start to appear on the bushes we will be telling you our top blackberry recipes each week for the next six weeks.

We will start with a blackberry and basil salad that we recently tried out for friends.

I can safely say that the mixture of sweet and fresh ingredients makes this wild salad recipe extra special.



Fresh wild blackberries
1/2 red Onion finely sliced
Foraged Seabeet and Lettuce Leaves
Feta Cheese
Toasted Almonds
Basil Leaves
Balsamic Vinegar



  1. Pick the berries and basil leaves. This is the most important part of the preparation. There are plenty of berries around at the moment. Head to the countryside or a nearby park with your foraging basket and enjoy spending time with nature. We grow basil at home so it’s easy to pick off our leaves.
  2. Gather the other ingredients from your local store and wash all of the greens and berries.
  3. Carefully slice half an onion into thin slices
  4. Cut the almond nuts in half and toast them lightly in a hot pan.
  5. Cut the feta cheese into cubes.
  6. Mix all of the ingredients in your salad bowl
  7. Sprinkle a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar or apple cider vinegar over the top.

Fresh, seasonal and super tasty this is the perfect addition to any dinner party or weekend brunch.

We have some delicious blackberry recipes to share in the coming weeks so stay tuned and look forward to hearing some feedback. If you have any top berry recipes to share please get in touch.


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