Lisa Long

Coastal Foraging: Our shellfish and seaweed adventures in Ireland

This week we will take you to our stories by the seaside and do some coastal foraging. Before the rise of agriculture as we know it today, our ancestors were foraging for their daily meals. Many of the vegetables, spices, seaweeds and shellfish we find by the sea today will have been harvested by our ancestors in the past.

Historically people have always chosen to live by the sea as the shorelines offer plenty of nutrients for our diets. From the cliffs and sand dunes to the rock pools when the tides go out, there are food sources everywhere you look. Today, this tradition isn’t as popular as we have got used of the age of convenience where our local supermarket offers everything we need for our daily meals.

For those of you who haven’t tried it, please give it a go or join us for a unique experience outdoors.

There are treasures to be found in unexpected places and it is the ideal way to spend an afternoon by the beach. Our coastal foraging treks take place in Ireland with the clean Atlantic coastline and predictable tides. Let’s start with the weather. The weather in Ireland is always a good way to start a conversation. Sunshine, rain, wind and changeable weather patterns make Irish people fascinated by the weather. I should know, I’m Irish. My friends and family could spend hours just discussing the forecast for the days ahead.

You are never guaranteed to get warm weather when walking by the shore in Ireland. Raindrops comes in all shapes and sizes, tiny drops that sprinkle the ground, sideways rain that catches you off guard, warm drizzling rain that soaks you to the bone but all of these weather conditions combine to make it extra rewarding with you stumble upon some unique culinary treats.

From fresh muscles to pools of winkles, you will find everything you need for a warm cup of seafood chowder along the Irish coastline. My first coastal foraging excursion was fruitful. As a child my mother would buy us small plastic buckets and short fishing rods to scoop out the seaweed from the giant rockpools all along the Co.Clare coastlines.  Picking was part of every stage of growing up. From child to adolescent I made the transition from bucket to bag and back again when picking along the shore.

My grandfather would take the whole family to a nearby beach and we would eagerly wait until the tide had gone fully out, revealing the rockpools, seaweed and most importantly the shellfish hiding underneath. The art of picking was simple, patience was the only real skill required. Myself and my sister would spend hours scanning the shallow pools of water for the biggest winkles, crabs and mussels. Although all of the shellfish that we scoured for were easily identifiable, not all were easy to find.

Winkles were the easiest to collect. They tend to roll with the tide so it was not a matter of searching for them but more time was spent deciding on which ones to collect. I never tool the baby ones. This was my one rule for collecting winkles. Once you have avoiding the baby shells you can enjoy scooping out large handfuls of winkles alons most shorelines.

When it came to crabs I was always a little nervous to pick them up. Their claws would reach right out to stab pinch you if you were too quick. Sometimes we would just play with them for awhile before placing them carefully back in were they belonged. Laughing as they scrambled off to find their pals. Mussels were always considered the biggest treat. They clung tightly to the edges of rocks, making it more difficult to pull them off. Nothing can beat a pot of fresh mussels cooked in garlic and tomato juices. Give it a try. Believe me you won’t be disappointed.

Why not try a spot of razor clam hunting while you are by the shore. Simply bring some salt on your journey and seek out the small holes in the beach. Pour in the salt and watch in awe as the razor clams come to life.

Other favourites of mine include kelp and seaweed. These make delicious additions to salads. You can also use them to enhance the flavour of any seafood dish.

Let’s talk through how we spend an average day by the sea, foraging for some coastal treasures. We rise early to greet the sun. After choosing a meeting point we take some time to make sure we have all the utensils we need. Bucket or basket, check, pair of scissors, check, seaweed guidebook, check, hat and gloves, check. We prepare a picnic, stuffed with local ingrediants to give you a taste of the land. Fresh nettle pesto, brown soda bread, a flask full of tea and some fruit are the basics we need.

We are ready to rock in the rockpools by the wild Atlantic sea. It is always best to go with a guide who has experience identifying the goods. After meeting up with our local guide we walk towards the sea, taking time to talk to fellow foragers and enjoy the fresh air along the way. We spend some time scouring the seaside to find the ideal place to perch. This can take some time but we have timed the tides so we know that the rockpools will be visible from the edge. FYI, always check the tides to ensure the tide is out before you get ready for your trip.

With our cups in hand we pour a hot cuppa while our guide gives us the lowdown on the items we will collect for the day. Mussles, peri-winkles, seaweed and seabeet are a must, everything else is a welcome bonus. We spend the next few blissful hours scouring the rocks, learning about the sea, picking shellfish and enjoying the sun shining down on us to provide us with a welcome bit of Vitamin D.

Once we have found our pickings for the day it is off to our local guides house to create some tasty wild dishes where we will use our recently found treasure to whip up some well deserved dinner. A glass of guinness in hand and a bowl of seafood chowder in the other, what more could we want. This is our perfect day by the seaside.


DON’T let the weather prevent you from your next adventure. Remember that a little rain never hurt anyone. If you happen to get a sunny day then take advantage of it, spending a few hours by the shore.

LEAVE enough for others. Everyday we hear warnings of over fishing so be mindful of this when you are foraging by the sea. Only pick enough for one days pickings, giving the shores time to replenish its goods over time.

WEAR suitable clothing. This is key to any foraging adventure. Waterproof shoes comes in handy when you playing in rockpools. Also, bring a spare pair of socks to keep your feet dry.

KNOW the tides. Most countries will offer websites that give you the times of the tidal currents. Keep a close eye on these. You don’t want to venture all the way to the beach to find that you have to wait five hours until the tide recedes.

DON’T be afraid of seaweed or crabs. The waves may look rough but the sea is gentle with many varieties of produce to try. You never know what treasures you will find.

Being near the sea, watching the tides, creatures, and plant life of the ocean can be a wonderful experience, away from screens and connecting with nature.

Enjoy every moment of your coastal foraging trip. If you need any more information on our fruit and foraging tours please contact us at

Until next time! Happy Adventures!



If you take a stroll to the woodland or keep your eyes peeled in your local park you may discover some delicious wild garlic. Spring and Summer months are perfect for foraging this wild herb. It usually grows at the edge of woodlands, around damp soil. 

If you have just begun your foraging adventures than this herb is a flavorful find for beginners. You will smell them before you see them and they usually hang around in big bunches. 

The wild garlic flowers and leaves can be used in many recipes and salads but for today’s recipe we will focus on how to make wild garlic pesto which is perfectly paired with fresh pasta or toasted breads.

Picking and Preparation 
Don’t pick from the roots, leave some for others and be sure to wash the leaves thoroughly before you use them. 

  • If you are out foraging for wild garlic follow these simple tips: Never pick plants from the root, always use a scissors.
  • Make sure to wear gloves at all times.
  • Wild garlic is most commonly found from March to July.
  • Pick healthy leaves that are long and bright in colour! Try and pick the leaves from an area that’s less likely to have been crossed by animals.
  • The best way to check that what you’ve picked is wild garlic is to smell it. The smell is strong.

Here is a great and simple recipe for wild garlic pesto!


How to make wild garlic pesto


100g wild garlic leaves (a big bunch or a basket full will do)

50g nettle leaves

50g parmesan cheese

50g toasted pine nuts or walnuts are a nice alternative

2 tablespoons of olive oil

Lemon juice (at least half a lemon is needed)

A pinch or salt and a pinch of pepper 


Wash wild garlic leaves and nettles thoroughly. Be sure to always wear gloves when cooking with fresh nettles. They sting until they are boiled.

Place the nettle leaves in a pot of cold water, make sure the nettles are covered and allow to boil. This should only take ten minutes.

Drain the water and squeeze the leaves in a dry cloth to get rid of all excess water and juice. Place the galic leaves, nettles, parmesan, and nuts into a food processor and blitz. Slowly add two tablespoons of olive oil.

Add an extra spoon of olive oil if the mixture is too dry. 

Add in your salt, pepper, and lemon juice to taste.

Once you have your wild garlic pesto prepared you can use it with pasta, as a dip or add to sandwiches for extra flavour. You can store fresh pesto in the fridge for up to one week. If you want to keep it longer, freezing it will hold the taste for 9 months. 

If you are interested in embarking on a foraging adventure or learning more about the wild foods we work with contact our team anytime.  Join us on any of foraging adventures in Ireland.


Why you should travel with a purpose

Think of the last time you had an amazing travel experience? Most people remember the people, the place and the food. If you travel with a purpose you will create life long memories for your travel diary. Travelling with a purpose makes us appreciate the little things while also contributing to worldwide causes and industries.

Orchardsnearme partners with responsible travel experiences that will take you back to nature. The activities connect you with the stunning landscapes of Europe and allow you to get a taste of the local culture and foods.

Learn as you go

Are you curious about the land around you? Learning whilst you travel is the most uplifting experience. From the history of coffee plantations to the sun soaked vineyards in Italy, we can all benefit from meeting the local producers and getting some inside knowledge of the natural landscapes around us.

Go to grow

If you are feeling a little overwhelmed at work and underwhelmed with mass media then this form of travel is a great way to clear your mind. Start each day with a mission to grow. In every activity you enjoy your mind will be absorbed in hands-on experiences.

Lifelong learning

In college and University we associate lifelong learning with older adults. Perhaps lifelong learning isn’t just for people who have the time in later life, it is about drinking in the facts, listening to the tales and basking in the knowledge of others.

Meet the Experts

Discover the art of wine making and producing delicious fruits of Europe with the experts. When you travel with a purpose you have the opportunity to get to know the people at the heart of a region. Farmers who take care of the land, vineyard owners who proudly showcase their wines and food lovers from around the world.

How you travel and where you travel too is a reflection of your values, your feelings and your personality. Travelling with a purpose can connect you to your inner voice and child like self that has always wanted to learn something new.

6 Ways to Travel with a Purpose

Grape Picking at Harvest time

Olive picking in Greece

Truffle Hunting in Italy

Star gazing in Portugal

Foraging in Ireland

Investigate Medieval history in Spain

Perhaps the next time you travel with a purpose you will find out something new about yourself, learn a new skill or discover a unique aspect of a different culture that you want to take home with you. Whatever your reason go to grow and you will meet like minded curious travelers along the way.


6 Places for a Digital Detox in Europe

What is a digital detox holiday?

Are you surrounded by screens everyday? Maybe you check your mobile phone the minute you get out of bed, scroll through instagram several times a day, sign into Facebook for a scroll, read up on the top new stories for instant hits from your favourite news sites and get lost on pinterest for at least half an hour.

Can you relate to this? If so, like me, you deserve a digital detox. Simply put, this is time out to give yourself a break and get some control over how your time is being spent.

Reasons why you should take a digital detox holiday

  • Leave work behind. Don’t feel guilty about the e-mails building up in your inbox. Put your off of office message on and sign off from all emails. What you think is urgent in work terms, rarely is in life terms. They will be there for you when you get back and if it is truly urgent your employer will find a way to get in touch.
  • Be mindful. Living in the moment is something we all strive to do and tell ourselves to do but it is becoming more and more difficult. We get lost on screens and have to schedule our time around them. By turning off and tuning into the land we can reconnect with our senses and learn to appreciate again.
  • Do it together. A digital detox can be shared. Everyone has a friend or family member who is a slave to the screens so why not ask them to go along with you. As well as encouraging eachother to stay offline, you will be sharing the experiences together.
  • No news is good news. Did you ever hear of this saying? Well, it could be applied to anytime we get off our many new sites today. We might think we need to stay updated by the hour but we really don’t. We can survive without the news for a couple of days.
  • Facebook and Instagram won’t miss you. Say to day but true, nobody but you wants to see endless photos of your fantastic life on instagram and Facebook. Yes, it is nice to keep up with friends and the original concept was inspiring but selfies are boring and if you wait to post an album when you get back people will be looking forward to seeing your updates. When it comes to social start thinking less is more.
  • Health benefits – Less stress

Top Tours for a Digital detox in Europe

Now is the perfect time to turn off and get some time for you. Whether you want a break from a hectic office life, a bit of the headspace to come up with some new ideas or would love to learn to appreciate the land around you and live more mindfully, there is a detox to suit your needs.


Give yourself other things to do with your body and brain. A fruit picking experience is a great way to spend time out from the screens. Join us to experience life on a vineyard in Portugal’s Douro Valley region.


Wine tasting and hunting for truffles are two activities often associated with luxury. These are two ways to take your mind off the future and into the present.


Step back in time and learn to forage like our ancestors did. This wild food experience is just what you need to get back to nature and enjoy the fruits of the land around us.


Northern Portugal is packed full of delicious grapes to taste. The Vinho Verde is the most famous wine in the region. This tour will give you a taste of the Portuguese lifestyle.


As one of the most famous wine regions of France you will be perfectly situated to experience all there is to love in the area.


This is the ultimate way to get back to nature and reconnect with the land. Enjoy fruit picking for 1 week in the most stunning landscapes of Greece.

Tips for your Digital Detox

  • Practice at home – start by leaving your phone at home while you go for a short walk. Increase your time away from the screen daily.
  • Manage your updates – do you need to update your facebook feed or instagram account everyday? No, you can minimize your updates.
  • Buy a handheld map – Instead of using google maps to guide you everywhere you go.
  • Invest in a guidebook – a well written guidebook can be more of a tool than any website.
  • No screens before bed – try to stop checking your phone before bedtime.
  • Social doesn’t mean social media – Give yourself time out to reflect, what happens on social media will stay on social media. Leave it there and give yourself time to think.

Enjoy every minute of your digital detox. Savour the time away from the screens and discover the beauty of the land around you.

For more information on any of our fruit and foraging tours contact one of our travel experts.


48 Hours in Alba, Italy

Planning a visit to Italy? Spend some time in the beautiful Piedmont region, renowned throughout the world for it’s truffles and wines. This is a real slice of the high life.

The centro storico or historic centre of the town is compact and easy to nacvigate on foot or bike. You will find yourself strolling through the streets aimlessly. If it’s one thing the Italians can teach us to do more of, it’s sitting back and enjoying the moment. If you have two days to spare, Alba is a great place to get a taste of the Italian lifestyle. 

DAY 1 

Start the day with breakfast at Vicolo dell’Arco. enjoy the cosy atmosphere right in the historic centre. Enjoy sipping on a creamy cappuccino outside on a sunny day. 

The sights, smells and sounds of the market are calling from Piazza Risorgimento. Now is the perfect chance to get a flavour of the region. Alba is often quoted as Italy’s gastronomic gem so be sure to taste all of the produce on offer.

Spend some time exploring the old town. Stroll through the cobbled streets.

Focacceria di Budego is the perfect choice is you want to grab a bite while walking around. Try the delicious focaccia. 

Cattedrale di San Lorenzo and Chiesa di San Domenico are waiting to be explored. Learn about the history of the region. Unwind over a coffee in one of the town squares.


Sample the local wines and cheeses at Voglia di Vino wine bar.


The sights, smells and sounds of the market are calling from Piazza Risorgimento.

Get up early and head to Sant’ Eustachio Il Caffè in the Centro Storico for your morning coffee. No takeaway cups in Italy. Coffee time is relaxing time. Savour and enjoy. Take a seat outside this humble cafe and relax under the sunshine. This is your chance to soak up the local atmosphere.


After breakfast stroll to enjoy discovering the stunning baroque style architecture of Chiesa di San Giuseppe, a colourful church in the city centre. Admire the frescoes and murals that have been beautifully restored. For spectacular views of the city climb the church tower.

In the afternoon pay a visit to Bono Nella E Pagliarino where you can sample some of the best Italian cheeses. Castelmagno is simply delicious. For some required resting time enjoy sipping sipping a glass or two of the local wine at one of the many casual cafes in the town centre.


For dinner check out Caffe Umberto. This fine dining restaurant will leave you with a true taste of Italy. After dinner enjoy a nice walk to Gelateria La Romania for the best gelato in town.

In the evening get dressed up and ready from some cocktails at Hemingway in the city centre.

This is the perfect way to spend 48 hours in Alba before or after your Truffles and Wine of Italy tour that will delight your senses.


Which airports in Europe should I fly into?

So you have started planning your next adventure in Europe. Once you have decided on your itinerary it is time to find out which airport to fly into. There are many airport options in Europe so we will break down a few of the main European airports that will provide you with good access to any of the European adventures.




Dublin’s airport is the main hub for many travelers flying into Ireland and as a gateway to Europe. It has great accessibility from the US and Canada. All major airlines fly into Dublin. Note that if you are planning to visit other European destinations you can fly directly from Dublin to the major airports in the UK, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and Germany. United Airway and Ireland’s own Aer Lingus operate direct flights to Boston, Washington­-Dulles, Orlando, San Francisco, and New York.



Although both Manchester Airport terminals scored three stars for customer service received, Terminal 3 (43%) scored staggering 10% less than Terminal 2 (53%) due to one-star ratings for prices charged in shops and food outlets, and for the long queues at security. Passengers at Terminal 1 also didn’t appreciate queues at security and passport control as well as prices in shops and food outlets.

London (main hub)

Fly here: LCY — London City

London City Airport (LCY) is the only airport that is actually within a borough of London. Located just 11km east of the heart of the city, LCY is the best option when flying into London.

Unfortunately, it’s a small operation and doesn’t have the sprawling destination list that other area airports boast. From the airport, downtown is reachable in 20 minutes by taking the Docklands Light Rail, allowing to connection points to the Underground and Overground network.

LHR — Heathrow

London’s largest airport is located 23km west of the capital. As the busiest airport in Europe by passenger traffic, this is the airport you’ll most likely find yourself at.

Connected to the London Underground via the Piccadilly line, this is your cheapest and best option for getting into downtown.

If you are in more of a hurry, the Heathrow Express’s non-stop service to Paddington station only takes 21 minutes but can be on the pricey side if you don’t purchase in advance.

London’s Gatwick Airport is currently the second-­largest and second-­busiest in the United Kingdom, right behind Heathrow. Its two terminals saw over 38 million passengers last year, and that number is only going to grow with proposed plans to add a second runway to the airport. Gatwick’s dominant airlines are British Airways and EasyJet, but more than 40 other carriers operate there, and that means tons of affordable flights to and from many destinations all over the world. The average flight price is a commendable $934, which means Gatwick is generally a good option when planning a trip to England.



The north of Portugal is served by Porto airport (OPO). The airport is becoming a hub for low cost airlines such as Ryanair. Generally, there is not massive seasonal variation as experienced by Faro airport. The airport is connected to the city centre via metro and bus routes.

To fly to the Douro Valley, Porto Airport is your best option and it isn’t far from the main destinations in Northern Spain either. The Algarve is served by Faro airport and you can also transfer from Lisbon.


Lisbon airport is the main international airport of Portugal and this is the airport to fly into for the entire central region. The airport handles the highest number of international flights and most flights from outside of Europe fly into Lisbon. There are two main terminal buildings


Faro airport serves the southern side of Portugal and the popular region of the Algarve with its stunning beaches to choose from. Most passengers use this airport in the summer months.


Paris Charles de Gaulle

Located in Paris, Charles de Gaulle Airport is the busiest airport in France. In addition to serving as France’s busiest airport, it is the second busiest in Europe, after London’s Heathrow Airport. Charles de Gaulle Airport also ranks as the tenth busiest airport in the world, and is thus economically significant for France.

Paris Orly Airport

Orly Airport is located in Paris, between Villeneuve-le-Roi and Orly. The international airport serves as a secondary hub for both overseas and domestic territories flights of Air France. Orly Airport is the second busiest airport in France, after Charles de Gaulle, serving 28,862,586 passengers in 2014. Flights to and from Orly Airport operate to destinations in the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, North America, Europe, and the Caribbean. The airport is managed by Aéroports de Paris, which also operates Charles de Gaulle Airport.

Nice Airport

Nice Côte d’Azur Airport an international airport located approximately 5.9 kilometers southwest of Nice. The airport served 11,660,208 passengers in 2014, making it the third busiest airport in France. In addition, Nice Côte d’Azur Airport is an operating base for easyJet, the low-carrier cost airline based out of Britain’s London Luton Airport.



Barcelona Airport also is known as ‘El Prat Airport’ and is the second biggest in Spain and one of the busiest airports in the world. Over 35 million passengers pass through this airport every year which is expected to increase in future and more than 290,000 flights arrive and departe at the airport. One of the main benefits of this airport is that it is only 14 km far from the Barcelona city center. Passengers can use a taxi, bus, train or even rent a car.


Madrid Barajas is the largest and busiest airport in Spain. It is located at the District of Barajas in Madrid. The airport name ‘Barajas’ is derived from the district next to it, which comprises of metro station operating on the same rail line which is also serving the airport. It has 4 terminals and more than 20 counters for information that are situated throughout the terminals making it easier for people who are looking for assistance. Not only counters, there are more than 100 staff members available to help passengers. It operates flights to Asia, Europe, America, Canada and many other countries.



Milano Linate Airport is the ideal airport for travelers visiting Northern Italy or any of the surrounding European destinations. Just 10 minutes from the sophisticated city of Milan you can grab a taxi or take the bus to the city centre any time of the day. The distance to the centre is approximately 10km.


Rome, the eternal city and destination for over a quarter of Italy’s tourist business is a city surrounding a country and visitors can marvel at the sights from ancient Rome, one of the world’s greatest empires and still spend time in the Vatican, the home of the Pope and destination of choice to millions of the world’s Catholics each year. Religion apart, the Vatican has amazing architecture including the world famous Sistine Chapel in the Pope’s residence and the Basilica and Piazza of St Peter.


The Marco Polo Airport is located just 8km away from the city centre. Travel to the floating city by water taxi or train that will take approximately 20 minutes to get there.

Use Skyscanner and  to compare flight prices. Ryanair is one of the biggest low cost carriers in Europe so if you are planning on flying around Europe from place to place it would be a good idea to check out their site.

These airports were chosen to get you in close proximity to any of the fruit and foraging tours that we currently offer. If you are planning a different itinerary you can talk to our travel specialists to get advice on other airport options in Europe.


7 Unmissable things to do in Porto

  1. The Church of St Francis
    If you are a fan of gothic architecture then you will find plenty of treasures in Porto. The Church of Sao Francisco do Porto was completed in 1410. The gold plated interior is dazzling. Discover the eerie catacombs.
  2. Palácio da Bolsa
    You won’t need to walk far if you are visiting the church as the Palace is right beside it. You can opt to do a short guided tour to learn about the art, history and construction of the Palace. Be sure to explore the central courtyard, the golden room and the Octagon.
  3. Dom Luis Bridge
    This iconic bridge is part of the Porto landscape, linking the Port wine houses with the lively Ribeira district.
  4. Café Majestic
    Café Majestic is situated on Rua de Santa Catarina. It is one of the most beautiful examples of Art Nouveau in the city. With leather seats and chandeliers this cafe and book shop will leave you with life long memories. The perfect place to have coffee with a pastel de Nata. J.K. Rowling is thought to have spent time here when writing Harry Potter.
  5. Livraria Lello & Irmão
    We feel that all bookshops are inspiring in a way and this wonderful attraction is no exception. Rich in history this ornate book shop has been around since 1906. Stained glass, a magical staircase and books as far as the eye can see are just some of the features of this famous bookshop.
  6. Sip Port by the Harbour at Wine Quay Bar
    It would be rude not to sample a sip or two of Port when you are visiting the city of Porto.
  7. Cycle to the beach
    Porto is well known for it’s stunning city centre but did you know that you will be surrounded by some stunning beaches. So if you feel like a dip in the Atlantic ocean you are never far from the sea. Grab a bike at the hungry biker cafe and head to the beach for a day in the sun.

We fall in love with this city over and over again. The hilly streets, the antique shop windows, the harbour, the galleries, the gardens and the restaurants will keep you entertained for days. A city that’s full of life while also maintaining a relaxed vibe gives us the perfect balance to start and finish our journey.


Getting to Porto is relatively easy. There is good access from some major hubs in Portugal and Spain. Here are the three easiest ways to get to Porto if you are flying from mainland Europe:
Fly into Porto Airport
Travel up from Lisbon 2 1/2 hours
Travel down from Santiago de Compostela 2 1/2 hours

If you are travelling from the US than you may want to fly directly from New York to Lisbon. If you plan to fly into Madrid than be mindful that you will need to get an overnight train from Madrid to Coimbra (12 hours approx), followed by a bus or train to Porto which will take approximately 1 hour.


Homemade chocolat at Chocolataria Equador with a wide selection of bonbons, truffles and chocolate bars. If you have a sweet tooth than this is a firm favourite for locals and visitors. You will find stores on Rua das Flores and Rua Sousa Viterbo.

Try the famous Bacalou dishes and the fish cakes at Adego Sao Nicolau, a restaurant that has become an institution nearby the river. The low curved roofing makes it feel intimate and homely. Pair your dishes with some of the regions finest ports.

If its a lunchtime snack you are looking for than Bar Gazela is where you want to be. Situated on Santa Catarina you will enjoy the traditional atmosphere here. We highly recommend a spicy hot dog with a cold beer.

These are just a few of our top tips when travelling to the charming town of Porto. If you would like to add a fruit picking or wine tasting experience to your Portuguese adventures please contact one of our travel team.


What is your Celtic Tree Sign?

Our fascination with star signs dates back thousands of years to a time when the sky was still mysterious and NASA hadn’t yet made its mark on the world. In Ancient Greece astrologers were known as scientists.

Is it a way of us understanding our place in the natural world?

Maybe reading your horoscope provides you with a welcome boost in positivity or knowing a few of your key personality traits gives you that extra stream of confidence. Whatever your reason, it is a nice to know that you might share similar positive and negative fates with others in the world. With Astrology we are allowed to remain inquisitive, to wander, to imagine a different future and this longing to predict the future self has stood the test of time.

Farmers used the skies as a calendar using the farmers Almanec calendar to read the pattern of the seasons from the sky.

Travelers used the skies as a compass. First compass was developed by the chinese in 2nd century BC but used for geomancy and fortune telling, not navigation (wikipedia).

The astronomer Ptolemy recorded the 12 signs that we know today and promoted them in his book. For centuries, astronomy and astrology were considered the same thing as both involved the study of the planets. After the 17th century the study of Astronomy became more and more scientific as Newton popularised his theory of gravity.

There was a renewed appreciation for the zodiac in the Age of Aquarius in the 60’s and 70’s. Psychologist Graham Tyson found that people used astrology “under conditions of high stress”. This doesn’t mean that a person believes what is written about their sign but it could be related to the fact that our lives are so stressed and busy we find horoscopes to be a manageable way of making sense of the immediate future. With positive predictions we can imagine a better future.

In a sense it may give some structure to an otherwords disorganised society where we are overloaded with information, facts and figures.

Each star allows us to be a little different from the other but also part of a community. Knowing that their are many more like minded aquarius people out there gives me some hope. In addition, it holds enough mystery that we can elaborate on the general characteristics and create our own narratives.

Everyone knows there sun sign, even if you aren’t a horoscope fan. This is based on where the sun was on your birthday. But have you heard of your Celtic tree sign? Let’s breakdown the Celtic tree signs a little bit.


5 Easy Mindful Exercises for Outdoor Lovers

It is so easy to forget to stop, look around, listen and learn from the environment around you. Feel free to use these five easy mindful exercises on your next outdoor adventure.

Mindful breathing

Try mindful breathing for 3 minutes. It sounds like a short amount of time but with our habit of distraction this short burst of mindfulness is difficult for some. Take your time. Pick a place that you feel comfortable, I like to go into a forest or under a tree in a nearby park. Now stand still, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus your attention of the act of breathing, letting all other thoughts subside. If you feel you need too you can start by counting the breaths you take but don’t let the counting take over. Do this a few times a week and you will be so much more attentive to the nature around you.

Mindful observation

A simple but effective exercise for all nature lovers. This one is perfect for those of us who love to look around while we are outdoors. It is all about appreciating what’s around you. Choose a flower, a plant, a tree or any natural thing around you. Allow yourself to visually explore this object and examine it from root to tip. Think about its position, its movement and its place in the environment.

Mindful immersion

Instead of treating an activity as a task, enjoy each moment of the experience. This is a lovely mindful activity to try outdoors. So when you go for a walk concentrate on each step. Become absorbed in the motion, one foot in front of the other. Once you get into a rhythm and focus on each step you will feel like you are taking gigantic leaps and enjoy each step a little more.

Mindful listening

Another one that is great when you are living life outdoors. This exercise is designed to help you listen carefully. You pick a song that you have never heard of, pick a quiet place, play the music and allow yourself to discover the new sounds, lyrics, instruments and rhythm. Leave any music preferences aside and listen intently to this new composition.

Mindful Appreciation

If you can do this exercise once a week you will feel more fulfulled. We might not realise it but the majority of things and people in our lives go unappreciated and even unnoticed. On a daily basis we pass by people, interact with people and pass over objects that make our world a better place. For this exercise you need to appreciate three things per day that would usually be undervalued. Maybe it’s the tree that grows the fruit you eat, maybe it’s the smell of flowers or maybe it’s an old pair of socks that never lets you down. Write down the objects/persons at the end of each day and acknowledge how your life is better with it/them in it.

If you enjoyed these easy mindful exercises or have some of your own to share with us we would love to hear from you.



Fruit Recipe: Homemade Lemonade

Many people associate fresh homemade lemonade juice with summertime but we believe this is an all year round fruit recipe. The perfect glass of lemonade will bring back childhood memories, quench your thirst and give you a zest for life (see what I done there). Here is our easy lemonade recipe to try at home.

Homemade Lemonade Ingredients and Utensils

1 1/2 cups of granulated sugar

5 large cups of cold water

7 Ripe lemons

A tray of ice cubes

Pitcher and tumbler glasses

First you need to thoroughly wash the lemons in warm water. Organic lemons are best or even better if you have an orchard nearby to pick your own.


Next use a peeler or a sharp knife to remove the peel. Don’t throw away the peels. The peels contain most of the calcium and Vitamin C so we use them whenever we can. Slice the peel into very thin slices with a sharp knife. Leave them to the side while you squeeze the juice from each lemon into a pot.

Place the pot on the stove on a gentle heat. Add the sugar now. Next pour in the water and allow it to simmer. While it is boiling add the lemon zest from 3 – 4 lemons. You can use the remaining peels for decoration when you are serving later.

Once the mixture has boiled put it in a container and leave it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Serve with plenty of ice. Enjoy!

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